Yatta – The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD), in partnership with the Directorate of Social Development, conducted a workshop titled “launching the project for establishing legal and psychological counselling units in the city of Yatta”. Attending the event were representatives of the municipality, Awqaf Ministry, police, Al-Quds Open University, Social Affairs, Vocational Training Center, as well as university students and beneficiaries.
Psychologist, Sahar Zaamra presented PWWSD’s psychological and legal counselling programs and services, in addition to the trainings and workshops organized by PWWSD and targeting women of all ages.
Social Worker, Randa Darawish talked about the role of the Ministry of Social Development in dealing with battered women, and their intervention and protection mechanisms, by networking and coordinating with the Family Protection Unit in the police.
Social Worker, Niveen Khalil expressed the aim of launching a project for establishing legal and psychological counselling units, and explained the nature of the services provided to target groups. The idea for this project came in collaboration with PWWSD in order to provide individual, group, and community counselling, in addition to legal consultation and litigation services for women experiencing gender-based violence.
The workshop concluded with a number of recommendations: mainly, to conduct real-life studies on violence and combating it in all forms, as well as reaching a larger number of people from the target groups to support and protect battered women.
It is worth noting that the psychological and legal counselling units operate in Jenin and Dura in addition to Yatta, where they have a major role in alleviating the impact of unjust laws, and in promoting women’s access to justice, as well as finding administrative tools to decrease discrimination through the experiences of lawyers in court.